Monday, May 21, 2007

Clinton Portis can run

We know CP can run his mouth. Usually we find it refreshingly entertaining. His off-the-cuff comments about Michael Vick's situation was ill-considered, not just for the stupidity of his logic, but because his defense did not allow Vick the presumption of innocence. Consider that the only two things the county prosecutor has said about Vick is that he was considered merely the property owner in this case, and that he (the prosecutor) would not be pressured into filing charges against Vick. Portis contended that Vick was going to jail over a trivial matter of felonious dog fighting.

Clinton's comments are all over talk radio today. While I helped fan the flames, I think CP can use some love, so lets focus on the running skills we pay to see. This is a Madden 2007 Clinton Portis tribute (and, just ignore that #8 QB thing)

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